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Sacred Money Archetypes for Lightworkers
Welcome & Introduction
Course Logistics and Overview
Sacred Money Archetypes Overview (3:06)
SMA Quiz Results
Archetype Overviews
Accumulator Overview (5:26)
Alchemist Overview (3:10)
Celebrity Overview (4:33)
Connector Overview (3:18)
Maverick Overview (5:32)
Nurturer Overview (5:11)
Romantic Overview (4:40)
Ruler Overview (5:41)
Understanding Your Archetype Summary Sheets (10:55)
Archetype Shadows
Accumulator Shadows (6:00)
Alchemist Shadows (3:42)
Celebrity Shadows (3:51)
Connector Shadows (4:08)
Maverick Shadows (4:28)
Nurturer Shadows (4:42)
Romantic Shadows (3:44)
Ruler Shadows (4:18)
Insight Breakthrough Exercise (3:08)
Archetype Strengths
Accumulator Strengths (4:16)
Alchemist Strengths (3:41)
Celebrity Strengths (4:13)
Connector Strengths (3:55)
Maverick Strengths (4:02)
Nurturer Strengths (3:36)
Romantic Strengths (3:49)
Ruler Strengths (4:07)
I am Money Visualization (13:32)
Conscious Money Compass (5:13)
Empowering Your Voice (9:31)
No Excuses Empowerment (8:07)
Money Boundary Breakthrough (5:51)
Money Story Makeover
Shifting My Money Story (6:27)
My New Money Story (8:51)
Creating Money Ceiling Breakthroughs (5:11)
Shattering Your Money Ceiling - 3 Minute Daily Money Tool (11:36)
Bright Money Future
Leading Your Life Forward (7:29)
Create a Brighter Future Visualization (24:19)
Feedback & Certificate
Creating Money Ceiling Breakthroughs
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